
  • $ 42.53
  • Availability: In Stock

  • Brand: Safari LTD
  • Product Code: S000437B001376P000349V000

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Have a close encounter with some of the most unique and feared fishes of the ocean without putting yourself in any danger! Create your own school of sharks with this 48 piece bulk bag.
Characteristics: This bag features 12 unique species including 11 sharks and one ray. This bag features great whites, makos, tigers, gray reef sharks, threshers, whale sharks, blue sharks, hammerheads, leopard sharks, and spotted eagle rays.
Size and Color: Our bulk bags measure 8 inches by 7.5 inches, and the figures within range between 1.25 and 3.75 inches. These sharks are varying shades of blues, grays and browns to fit in with their ocean habitat.
The Sharks Bulk Bag is part of the Bulk Bags collection
All of our products are Non-toxic and BPA free
48 Pieces Per Bag. Contents Cannot Be Purchased Individually.

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