About Us
Most items usually ship in 1 - 2 days. Custom items like wood signs, metal signs, weaved items such as tapestries and throws usually take 5 - 10 Business days, this is a small time to wait for these amazing items that customers are satisfied with.
Everything sold on Artfuzz is in new warranty condition from the manufacturer. Wood Signs, Framed items, and Metal signs are fresh reproductions.
ArtFuzz is the source for amazing unique brand name products for the home. we provide a selection vast enough to appeal to even the most discerning of buyers. Our goal is to ensure the complete satisfaction of every client with whom we do business, while offering knowledgeable, friendly, and timely service.
Our products are selected from the most high quality vendors on the market today. With the largest selection available, ArtFuzz is your one stop shop for amazing products. Our customer service and return policies have ranked as some of the highest online so you will experience 100% customer satisfaction. The products that we offer are of the highest quality so any wait on these will be much worth it and you will be very impressed as most of our customers are.
Take a moment to browse through our online store, we look forward to showing you unique ideas for your home, office or anywhere.
ArtFuzzBrooklyn, NY 11229